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Must Try Health and Wellness Treatments in Bali

Posted on 04 April 2018

Must Try Health and Wellness Treatments in Bali

Over recent years Bali has become a haven for wellness, health and spa treatments and with good reason. The island has a long history of traditional treatments to heal sickness, and rejuvenate and beautify the body. While in Bali, you must try some of these treatments so you can return home feeling refreshed and glowing. (more…)

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What to Expect on Nyepi Day in Bali at Lotus Bungalows Candidasa

Posted on 08 March 2018

What to Expect on Nyepi Day in Bali at Lotus Bungalows Candidasa

Bali’s day of silence, or Nyepi, is one of the most unique of Bali’s traditions. On this day, which marks the Balinese New Year, the whole island comes to a standstill. Even the international airport closes for 24 hours. It is said that evil spirits visit the island on the day of Nyepi, but finding the island ‘deserted’ they leave again and don’t come back again until the following year. (more…)

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Diving with Manta Rays in Bali

Posted on 19 February 2018

Diving with Manta Rays in Bali

What is the biggest pay off you can think of when you think of scuba diving? For many divers manta rays are high on their list of marine creatures to encounter. These majestic animals are so large, yet so graceful and peaceful to swim with, there is really nothing like a manta experience. (more…)

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