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Gangga Divers are proud to offer the full range of PADI Courses. Whether it’s your very first venture in to the ocean with a Discover Scuba Diving program, or you want to take your first step towards becoming a PADI Professional with the Rescue Diver Course, Gangga Divers has what you are looking for.

<strong>PADI Discover Scuba Diving</strong>

Bali is an ideal place to start your diving journey, and Lotus Bungalows in Candidasa offers you the PADI Discover Scuba experience program. This course is the perfect starting point for those who aren’t 100% sure if they would like to do the full PADI course, but want to give it a go. Complete beginners will learn the basics of breathing, swimming technique and safety in a pool. Once you are confident with the basics, and with the careful guidance of your professional PADI instructor you will head out to see some of the beautiful underwater life off of the east coast of Bali.


  • Be at least 10 years old and medically fit to scuba dive*

Time requirement:

  • 2 days

*Certain medical conditions are not compatible with Scuba Diving and considered by PADI unsafe to dive with. If you wish to engage in Scuba Activites, please visit your doctor for a Scuba Diving Medical, signed and stamped to bring with you.

PADI Scuba Diver

The PADI Scuba Diver course is the first level of PADI certification, and is perfect if you are on a tight timeframe. The 3 – 2 days course will teach you about the theory of diving within a classroom, as well as practical pool sessions for skills practice and 2 open water dives in to a maximum depth of 12m at some of east Bali’s most beautiful dive sites. The whole course is taught by a certified PADI Instructor.


  • Be at least 15 years old (at least 10 years old for Junior PADI Scuba Diver) and medically fit to scuba dive*

Time requirement:

  • 3 – 2 days

*Certain medical conditions are not compatible with Scuba Diving and considered by PADI unsafe to dive with. If you wish to engage in Scuba Activities, please visit your Doctor for a Scuba Diving Medical , signed and stamped to bring with you.

PADI Open Water Diver

Where is better than gorgeous east Bali to take the most popular diving course in the world – the PADI Open Water Diver course? By the end of 4 to 5 days you will be able to dive up to a depth of 18 meters and see some of the most beautiful marine life in the world.

You will work for 4 to 5 days with a qualified PADI instructor, who will take you through class room theory, pool sessions for skills practice and 4 open water dives to some of the most incredible dive sites off the east coast of Bali.

You can also choose to complete the theory part of the course through e-learning before the course begins. To choose this option and make more time for holiday while you’re in Bali, visit the PADI Open Water course on line at: https://apps.padi.com/scuba-diving/elearning/?irra=36340

If you decide to go with the e-learning option our store number 36340 is all you will require to begin.


  • Be at least 15 years old (at least 10 years old for Junior PADI Open Water Diver) and medically fit to scuba dive*

Time requirement:

  • 4 to 5 days

*Certain medical conditions are not compatible with Scuba Diving and considered by PADI unsafe to dive with. If you wish to engage in Scuba Activities, please visit your Doctor for a Scuba Diving Medical , signed and stamped to bring with you.

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course takes you a step further than the Open Water course, teaching you to take on more possibilities and more advanced dive sites.

You’ll use your open water dive skills to do 2 core dives; underwater navigation and deep dive, along with three other dives of your own choice from wreck, night, drift and other types of diving. You will be required to complete 5 knowledge reviews, one for each of your corresponding dives in the beautiful waters around Bali, after which you will be certified to dive up to 30 meters (Junior Divers will be certified up to 21 metres).

If you would like to do your theory before you arrive in Bali, e-learning is a great option. We recommend that you complete the learning section of the PADI Advanced Open Water course on line at https://apps.padi.com/scuba-diving/elearning/?irra=36340 to make the most of your Bali holiday.

If you decide to go with the e-learning option our store number 36340 is all you will require to begin.


  • Be at least 15 years old and certified as PADI Open Water (At least 12 years old for Junior PADI Advanced Open Water Diver)

Time requirement:

  • 2 days

Emergency First Response

If you want to be prepared for any situation the Emergency First Response certification is a great way to feel more confident both in and out of the water. This is the fastest growing CPR, AED and First Aid training program in the world and is prerequisite for next level; Rescue Diver Certification.

Bali is an excellent place to take this course and is taught by our certified professionals who will provide detailed instruction on how to perform specific emergency care skills in everyday circumstances.

Time requirement:

  • 1 day

PADI Rescue Diver Course

The PADI Rescue Diver course is an incredibly useful course for advanced divers and great way to equip yourself with the skills you need to deal with accident management and prevention both underwater and on land. This course is serious but is also taught in an enjoyable way and is incredibly rewarding.

Certified instructors will teach you the essential skills of recognizing and preventing problems both for yourself and fellow divers over 4 days at Lotus Bungalows in Candidasa, Bali. You’ll study theory, skill development and practical and realistic scenarios to put your newly learned skills to the test.


  • Hold a current First Aid and CPR and be at least 12 years old and certified as a PADI Adventure Diver. You must also have an Emergency First Response certificate.

Time requirement:

  • 4 days

PADI Specialty

Specialized courses run at Lotus Bungalows, Candidasa will give you an in-depth understanding and proficiency when diving in specialized circumstances, for example deep sea, night, and search and recovery

During your course you will study the theory specific to the dive type at Lotus Bungalows and undertake dives focusing on that particular diving type off the east coast of Bali.

Prerequisite certification PADI Open Water Diver:

  • AWARE shark conservation diver / 2 OW dives min 12 years old
  • Boat diver / 2 OW dives min 10 years old
  • Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) / 2 OW dives min 12 years old
  • Drift diver / 2 OW dives min 12 years old
  • Night diver / 3 OW dives min 12 years old
  • Sidemount Diver / 1 confined & 3 OW dives min 15 years old
  • Peak Performance Diver / 2 OW dives min 10 years old

Prerequisite certification PADI Advanced Open Water Diver:

  • Deep diver / 4 OW dives min 15 years old
  • Search & Recovery Diver / 4 OW dives min 12 years old
  • Wreck Diver / 4 OW dives min 15 years old

Time requirement:

  • 1-3 days

PADI Enriched Air Diver Course

Every diver wants to be able to stay underwater longer and the PADI Enriched Air courses at Lotus Bungalows will do just that. You can then take your new skill anywhere in the world.

This quick half-day course teaches you the theory and technique of reducing the nitrogen content of the air you’re breathing to allow you to spend more time under the surface. Choose to complete this course on land or with an optional 2 dives. You can also complete the theory online before the course to allow yourself more time to explore the beauty of Bali.

To begin your studies online go to https://apps.padi.com/scuba-diving/elearning/?irra=36340 . If you decide to go with the e-learning option our store number 36340 is all you will require to begin.


  • Need to be certified as PADI Open Water Diver and at least 12 years old

Time requirement:

  • ½ day

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