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You Might See These Animals in Candidasa, Bali

Posted on 19 June 2024

You Might See These Animals in Candidasa, Bali

When staying at Lotus Bungalows in Candidasa, you can expect to see a variety of animals in and around the resort. Afterall, the gardens make a lovely home for lizards, birds, and butterflies. If you haven’t been to Bali before, it’s good to know who you might run into before you arrive. (more…)

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The Perfect Week in East Bali

Posted on 27 May 2024

The Perfect Week in East Bali

East Bali is a part of the island that is rich in natural beauty, cultural heritage, and serene landscapes. If you are planning to be in Bali and have a week to spend in the east, we have some great tips for what to do to make the most of your time. (more…)

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10 Unmissable Stops on Your First Trip to Bali

Posted on 25 April 2024

10 Unmissable Stops on Your First Trip to Bali

Are you planning your first trip to the magical island of Bali? Prepare to be enchanted by its tropical landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality. For such a small island, there is so much to do, so where do you start with your itinerary? We’ll start you off with a curated list of 10 must-see stops to make your first trip to Bali unforgettable. (more…)

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Exploring Bali’s Spiritual Sanctuaries

Posted on 29 March 2024

Exploring Bali's Spiritual Sanctuaries

Bali is often referred to as The Island of the Gods thanks to its culture steeped in Hindu religion. The island is famous for its magnificent temples and other sacred sites that tourists are welcome to visit. In this article we will delve into the rich history of Bali and the profound cultural significance of its spiritual sanctuaries. (more…)

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Balinese Wildlife Wonders: A Dive into the Island’s Biodiversity

Posted on 08 February 2024

Balinese Wildlife Wonders: A Dive into the Island's Biodiversity

Bali may be known for its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture, but it is not only a tropical paradise for human visitors but also a haven for a diverse array of flora and fauna. To discover the unique wildlife that calls Bali home you must explore a little deeper past the main tourist spots. Venture into wildlife reserves, underwater to dive sites and out into the ricefields and jungles but it’s 100% worth the effort. (more…)

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