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Enjoy the Best Sunrise Spots in East Bali

Posted on 12 March 2019

Enjoy the Best Sunrise Spots in East Bali

Are you an early riser? If you aren’t you might have to be while you’re in Candidasa, because the east coast of Bali has some of the best sunrises on the island.

Because of Bali’s location just south of the equator, sunrise is at around 6.30am all year round. This isn’t too early for most people to get in a few magical sunrises while they are on the island, so we’re listing the 5 best places in East Bali to watch the sun come up. (more…)

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Finding the Best Beaches in East Bali

Posted on 12 February 2019

Finding the Best Beaches in East Bali

Bali might be famous for its beaches, but like most tourist destinations, the most well known are the most crowded. However, if you’re willing to get out and explore a little, Bali has tons of hidden gems.

In East Bali there are a number of beautiful beaches that you might have all to yourself. (more…)

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Balinese Dances You Should See in Bali

Posted on 17 December 2018

Balinese Dances You Should See in Bali

While you’re in Bali there are some iconic things you should see. One of these is traditional Balinese dance, which is beautiful, colourful, and sometimes haunting.

Dances are used for many different reasons in Bali, from sacred ceremonies within temples, to pure entertainment and fun. (more…)

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10 Facts About Indonesia You Might Not Know

Posted on 21 November 2018

Indonesia is an incredible country, yet most people don’t seem to know that much about it. If you’ve ever wondered about this island nation you will definitely want to read on to get to know Indonesia in 10 Facts. (more…)

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When is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Bali?

Posted on 23 October 2018

When is the Best Time of Year to Visit Bali?

Thinking about your next holiday? If Bali is on your list, you might be wondering about the best time to visit this holiday island. Today we’ll run through all the factors you may want to consider before you book your Bali holiday. If you want to get the most out of your trip to Bali, read on. (more…)

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