5 Dive Sites to Explore in Amuk Bay, Bali

Amuk Bay is the bay that stretches from Padang Bai to Candidasa in East Bali. This area isn’t well known by most tourists, but divers might have heard more about it. Despite its low-key reputation, Amuk Bay is one of the best places to stay and dive in Bali and Lotus Bungalows Candidasa has the ideal location looking out into the bay. Here are 5 dive sites you might be exploring when you dive with Gangga Divers.

1. Secret Jetty

Seahorse - 5 Dive Sites to Explore in Amuk Bay, Bali

We can thank poor planning for this fantastic dive site. This jetty was constructed for ferries and cruise ships to dock at. Unfortunately it was far too shallow for large ships and was never used.

The concrete pillars quickly became covered in beautiful coral and sponges that teem with sea life. Large numbers of barracuda, juvenile mackerel, and sardines school here. It’s also common to see frogfish, both juvenile and adult.

Underwater photographers and muck divers will be thrilled with the variety of nudibranchs, ghost pipfish, leaf scorpion fish and plenty of seahorses. You may also see an array of octopus species, including the mimic, wonderpus, coconut and even blue ringed.

2. Gili Biaha

Lionfish - 5 Dive Sites to Explore in Amuk Bay, Bali

Gili Biaha is one of the small islands you can see from the Candidasa coast. To dive here you must be PADI Advanced Open Water (or equivalent) certified as the average depth is around 30 metres. There can also be quite a swell and sometimes strong currents.

Around Gili Biaha is a beautiful steep reef that turns into a slope to the north of the island. This reef is bursting with hard and soft corals and healthy marine life. Plenty of beautiful fish species large and small live here.

Shark Cave is often the site at Gili Biaha that divers come for. It’s common to see whitetip reef sharks resting in the cave you can swim right into. You can also explore the cracks for all kinds of smaller critters like lionfish, and lobsters.

Gangga Divers guides will assess this dive before taking you out as conditions can become unsafe even for the most experienced divers if the currents are very strong.

3. Gili Tepekong (The Canyon)

Reef Shark - 5 Dive Sites to Explore in Amuk Bay, Bali

Gili Tepekong is the largest of the 3 islands in Amuk Bay and is often called ‘The Toilet’. As you may have guessed by the nickname of this area the currents are very strong. The Canyon on the south west side of the island is the most intense area to dive. You must be at least PADI Open Water but preferably Advanced Open Water certified (or equivalent) to dive here.

There is less of the beautiful coral here as the currents are too strong for it to grow. However, the incredible rock formations carved by the Indonesian Throughflow are just as dramatic. White and black tip reef sharks frequent this site, as do large schools of sweetlips, jacks and grouper.

4. Gili Mimpang

Mola Mola - 5 Dive Sites to Explore in Amuk Bay, Bali

Often called Batu Tiga, or 3 rocks in Bahasa Indonesia, Gili Mimpang is only about 10 minutes by boat from Lotus Bungalows Candidasa.

If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush you’ll find it here with the amount of sharks that frequent this site. Most are whitetip reef sharks but rare coral cat sharks and wobbegongs are sometimes spotted here. Because these sharks often stay in depths over 25 metres, you will need to be PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or equivalent) for this dive.

Gangga Divers often take guests out to Gili Mimpang to look for mola mola (oceanic sunfish) between August and October.

5. Blue Lagoon

Moray Eel - 5 Dive Sites to Explore in Amuk Bay, Bali

Blue Lagoon is a good beginner dive site as it is only around 10 metres deep and more sheltered making it calmer than those around the islands. This site is close to Padang Bai, which makes it a very popular snorkeling site as well.

It might be a ‘beginner’ site but there is plenty to see. Fish of every shape and colour inhabit this area as well as lots of beautiful nudibranchs. Frogfish and leaf scorpion fish are often spotted here as well as moray eels and impressive blue spotted stingrays. The huge variety of brightly coloured nudibranchs will take your breath away.

Ready for Amuk Bay?

Gangga Divers at Lotus Bungalows Candidasa, Bali

Amuk Bay is celebrated for its dive sites and their level of excitement and health of the reefs. If you haven’t been, it’s time to book a trip to explore this amazing part of Bali.

If you aren’t yet PADI Open Water Certified or want to become an Advanced Open Water Diver you can get certified with Gangga Divers at Lotus Bungalows. If you’d like more information visit our Diving Courses page or leave us a message in the comments box below.

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  1. Wilson
    June 8, 2023

    Would you arrange transport for pick up & return from airport free of change if I stay 3day 2 nights?
    How much of diving package for looking mola mola, manta point & shark within 3d2n?

    Thank you

    • estela
      October 24, 2023

      Hi Wilson, please contact us by email at info@lotusbungalows.com or WhatsApp +62 821-44546655 to get more information.

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