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Dive Longer, Deeper and Bubble Free with a Rebreather in Bali

Have you ever been diving and wished you could stay under just a little bit longer? Diving equipment is constantly improving and now it’s possible to dive longer than ever with the help of a rebreather.

What is a Rebreather?

PADI Rebreather Courses for Poseidon MK VI & SE7EN in Bali with Gangga Divers

Rebreathers are diving apparatus that absorbs the carbon dioxide of a user’s exhaled breath and recycles the unused oxygen content. This allows for longer dives with reduced gas consumption with no bubbles that can disrupt marine life.

New Type R (recreational) rebreathers are lightweight, easy to carry, and simple to use. During a rebreather dive course you will dive up to 18 metres, but rebreathers can be used to dive at any depth. The Poseidon MKVI/SE7EN is the world’s first fully automated eCCR rebreather for recreational divers.

Why Take a Rebreather Course?

PADI Rebreather Courses for Poseidon MK VI & SE7EN in Bali with Gangga Divers

PADI Rebreather Dive courses are for divers who are already qualified PADI Open Water Divers, and have passed the PADI Enriched Air course. The biggest advantage of a rebreather is its gas efficiency. A single fill of a small gas cylinder or a couple of cylinders and CO2 scrubber can last for anywhere from one to six hours, depending on the rebreather. This means you can dive for a whole lot longer.

The other advantages of a rebreather are the lack of bubbles and noise. This means less disruption to the marine life around you, as well as silent diving for you. As a bonus, the air from the rebreather is warm and comfortable to inhale.

What You’ll Learn

PADI Rebreather Courses for Poseidon MK VI & SE7EN in Bali with Gangga Divers

During your rebreather course you’ll study both with an instructor and on your own time. You’ll learn about how rebreathers work and how to set up and maintain them.

As in all other PADI courses, you’ll learn how to perform proper pre-dive checks and practice how to keep the loop closed when the mouthpiece is not in your mouth.

You will also go through potential problems and how to deal with them, as well as fine-tune your buoyancy control and monitor your gauges and displays. Afterwards you will run through post-dive procedures and learn how to disassemble your gear.

PADI Poseidon Rebreather in Candidasa, Bali

Gangga Divers, PADI Rebreather Dive Centre in Candidasa, Bali

In Bali, Gangga Divers in Lotus Bungalows Candidasa is one of the few professional PADI certified dive centres offering rebreather courses. Candidasa is on the east coast of Bali, about a 2-hour drive from Ngurah Rai Airport. It’s a quiet town with older tourists and a large dive community. Being able to relax and have plenty of downtime is important when you’re doing a rebreather course so Candidasa is perfect.

There are also a large number of beautiful dives off the east of Bali, and the islands of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan are also within easy reach. The variation of marine life here is abundant and you may even get the chance to dive with manta rays and reef sharks.

Ready to Book?

Are you thinking of booking a Rebreather course in Bali? Ask us more about the course in the comments below.


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